Friday, December 2, 2011

Using Your God Given Gifts could change your life!

This blog will piggy back off the blog from yesterday of course it is inspired from God and yet again the X FACTOR. I am honestly drawn to this show because like I said, I do not watch regular television like that BUT because I have a passion for talent and seeing people use their gifts, I watch this show from a spiritual standpoint.

There is a contestant on the X FACTOR named Chris Renee and a lot of people are wondering why and how he is still on the show. I guess to some people he doesnt sound better than most contestants so he should have been off the show. Chris Renee has a huge fan base and a lot of support but I honestly believe that the main reason that is his still on the show is because of GOD.

I believe that Chris Renee was divinely placed on the X FACTOR. You see Chris Renee has a story as does everyone but its differently from the other contestants on the show due to the fact that he was addicted to drugs before he got on the show and he has since then turned his life around. He made a commitment to himself and to the X FACTOR that if they put Him through, that he would stay clean. Now its not easy staying clean but I'm telling you this is GOD. You can see a complete change in him, how happy he is, how humble he is, how much better he looks.

Now, he doesn't have the best voice on the show BUT he has unique style that I LOVE. He sings and raps but his style is unique and He doesn't try to be someone that He is not. He was never worried about what people though about him trying to sing and/or rap, He knew that he had a passion for it and He is doing it! It doesn't matter if you are the best, you are what called you to be, you are perfect in the way that GOD made you. FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE.

Following the passion that GOD has given him, has helped him turn in his life around. He will definitely had a great testimony that will be used for Gods glory. You have a talent, a gift, etc that could help you release things that are holding you back, then in return your gift can help others! GOD;s gifts are ALWAYS the gifts that keep on giving, its like a cycle!!! Remember GOD tells us that our gifts will make room for us and usher us into the presence of great men. Be inspired and encouraged!  USE YOUR GIFT TO GIVE GOD GLORY! God Bless you all.

Chris Renee

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